Wowhead News
Extended Maintenance Downtime Thoughts
The completionist in me wants to create and level a Demon Hunter, Death Knight, and Evoker on the Horde side so I will have one of each class for Horde and Alliance. But knowing what's in store for all of my alts, it just seems fruitless. I know in the past I haven't kept them up to speed after a new expansion hits. And the idea of getting them all to max level in TWW just makes me cringe. I guess I'll have to see how painful the leveling process is first. As long as we aren't forced to do the same drawn-out death runs (without flying) to complete quests-lines through some kind of time-gating grind for each alt, I could be talked into it. I suppose I should be questing on the beta realm to get the hang of it. But I really want the expansion to have that new feel when I first see it.