
Cantrips rant

Maybe it's just me but I always thought of cantrips as a quirky addition to any player for non-combat fun and trickery. I know there are combat cantrips that do some minor damage, but they are limited to certain classes and not the main intent. I have always wanted these to be added to the game as fun 'spells' similar to toys for effects and building your characters uniqueness and story. Now we are getting them as pseudo-trinket effects and soon-to-be forgotten (think Azerite Abilities) combat abilities that won't scale and will fade away with the expansion. I still have hope for a Dancing Lights or Thunderclap in the future for my Wizard, but I won't hold my breath.


Remix Leveling Guide

Turn off Auto-loot. Don't pick up any XP bonus tokens. Let them go to mail. Just pick threads and gear and gems if you want or let it all go to mail. There is an Addon that will do this if you'd like.

Run heroic dungeons - Loot threads only

At 25 run normal Mogushan vaults in LFR

Get xp bonus threads

Run heroic dungeons - Loot threads only

Then at 35 run Heart of Fear in LFR

Get xp bonus threads

Run heroic dungeons - Loot threads only

At 40, run Normal Terrace of Spring

Get xp bonus threads

Open mail and all XP bonus tokens - should get you to 70


Downloading The War Within Beta

Excited to be downloading the beta for something to do. I'm really not impressed with the Panda Remix.